The #1 Independently Ranked CEA technology Company globally

Others grow sideways.
we Continue to look (and Grow) up

Vertical Future is a global Controlled-Environment-Agriculture (“CEA”) technology and data company that designs, manufactures, and builds autonomous vertical farms, encompassing proprietary hardware and software.

Our solutions do not only apply to food and water security in the context of food for human consumption, they can also be used for carbon sequestration, as tree nurseries, and alongside other climate tech solutions. 

As a member and Global Innovator of the World Economic Forum and Unreasonable Impact Fellow, in addition to many other accolades, we’re recognised as a market leader for positive change and innovation in the areas of food sustainability and, increasingly, climate technologies. Currently, we’re #1 globally in terms of technology as per the independent “FoodTech 500”.

Our mission is to improve planetary & human health by enabling more efficient crop production, delivered through multiple use cases.

Our Services

Full automation, energy efficiency, high-tech sensors, and full software integration form the core of our solutions, which can be found from London through to Singapore.


Proprietary vertical farming systems encompassing hardware & software technologies, from seeding through to harvest.


Search, discovery & scientific advancement designed to give our partner farms a strategic advantage. Our Innovate UK Grant record speaks for itself with over 10 grant wins in the last three years alone and Rank 1 in terms of % success.


Delivering insights, supporting strategy definition, and carrying out feasibility studies and business cases to ensure that your vertical farming business becomes a success.

Operations & Management

Deployment of operating teams to operate your farm should you wish, and/or significant training for operating staff through our commissioning processes.

Crop-Science-as-a-Service (CSaaS)

CSaaS offers tailored access to VF’s advanced systems, scientists, and expertise, enabling optimised crop growth, product testing, and innovation in controlled environment agriculture.

Target Sectors

Full automation, energy efficiency, high-tech sensors, and full software integration form the core of our solutions, which can be found from London through to Singapore.

What do our systems and business model both tackle?

In a world that’s rapidly changing and growing, vertical farming will become a necessity to ensure a sustainable, secure, and resilient food system for the future.


estimated number of people living on Earth by 2100, mostly living in urban centres


is the maximum estimated rise in global temperatures by 2100 - and anywhere near that number will pose serious threats to crop production


decrease in wildlife populations globally over the past 40 years, decreasing crop productivity

Water scarcity

threatens global crop yields at an ever-increasing rate

Vertical Future’s systems allow for the growing of crops closer to the source of consumption, use up to 98% less water compared to traditional farming, are energy and resource-efficient, and can grow the same amount of produce in 1% of the space, when compared to traditional farming methods.

Proud Partners