VF’s CCO was invited to speak on panel at GSMA’s 4YFN in Barcelona in February.
It was great for Mark Pickering, Vertical Future’s Chief Commercial Officer who joined the company in 2023, to speak on the ‘Tech Infused Farming: Tomorrow’s Agricultural Frontiers Unveiled’ panel alongside the other excellent panellists including Alexander Gunkel CEO at Space4Good and Dave Roscoe Executive Vice President at ORBCOMM. They each gave examples of initiatives addressing climate resilience and allowing both indoor and outdoor farmers to grow their crops effectively.
4YFN and MWC
4YFN is the event partner of MWC Barcelona, the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event. The 4YFN Community is a network of international platforms and organisations supporting the growth of digital startups and entrepreneurs around the globe. It refuels startups and innovators with access to next-level opportunities, networking, tips and insights across the year.
The session:
“Step into the world of sustainable agriculture and land-related green technologies, we aim to nurture the Earth for generations to come, implementing methods that safeguard our soil, feed our communities, preserve for our planet’s resources, and cultivate hope for a greener tomorrow.”
Indoor and broadacre farming side-by-side
We at Vertical Future believe that the indoor and broadacre farming industries can work alongside one another to create the resilient food systems of today and tomorrow – so it was great to talk about the future of agriculture from different perspectives.
Watch the full video here – we hope you enjoy it!
Find out more about GSMA here and 4YFN here.
#4YFN #climatechange #foodsecurity #verticalfarming #technology #climate