Vertical Future’s Chief Research Officer Dr Jennifer Bromley is confirmed to be speaking at the International Agriculture Innovation Conference (IAIC) this summer!

The hybrid event, hosted in Singapore and virtually, is the 8th IAIC event and is jointly organised by the University of Reading, the International Association for Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS), and the IFNH.

It will take place on 1-2 August, 2023 and will be held under the theme of “Agro-industrialisation and Sustainability”. The conference intends to address key themes that include “Vertical Farming” (that’s where we come in!), “Forest-Industrialisation” and “Regenerative Agriculture”.

The IAIC conferences are devoted to presenting and examining various issues the agricultural industry is faced with each day. They form an international platform for the agriculture world, enabling the transformation of knowledge and techniques, with a focus on innovative agriculture, sustainability, technology, and investment. So, with that said, it’s a real pleasure for us to take part!

If you’d like to connect with Jen ahead of the event, feel free to contact her on LinkedIn and she will be happy to start the conversation.

Visit the site to find out more about the event:

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