We are thrilled to announce today that Vertical Future and our consortium partners, University of York, Crop Health & Protection – CHAP, Syan Farms, and Eat Curious have been awarded a £750,000 grant by Innovate UK.

The two-year research project, which is intended to decrease the UK’s reliance on imports of plant proteins such as soy and pea, will develop methods for using vertical farming facilities to grow amaranth, which will be used to develop a new source of environmentally-friendly plant protein.

“The crop can then be used to develop recipes for a meat alternative that is a market-ready product for UK consumers. Conducting the growing process exclusively within vertical farming facilities, will reduce water and energy consumption, reduce the amount of land for cultivation, and decrease carbon emissions emitted during the transportation process as the vertical farm is located on the food manufacturing site.”

Huge kudos to our Chief Scientific Officer, Dr Jennifer Bromley and her talented team for another incredible grant win!

Full article here.

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