Celebrity chef Ainsley Harriot’s visit to Vertical Future’s R&D site will be airing on ITV!

A fun visit last summer! Tune in on ITV this Saturday 28th May to see the fantastic celebrity and renowned chef Ainsley Harriot's (who also happens to be an Arsenal fan!!) visit to Vertical Future's R&D site. The show, entitled "Ainsley's Good Mood Food" will start at 1140 and we'll be in the second part.

We haven’t seen the show yet, but it’s likely to be pretty cool, with discussions focused on everything from technology to sustainability to taste and flavour. There was also ongoing engineering work, so no white suit space suit for once!

Check it out and we look forward to everyone’s feedback. Also, if you ever want a site visit (to any of our sites), don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at info@verticalfuture.co.uk

#rockoystermedia #ainsleysgoodmoodfood #taste #flavour #food #sustainability #technology